Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication

About department

The Chair of the Russian Language was founded in 2000. Initially, it functioned as a department of the Russian language and literature.
With the expansion of the university, the emergence of new departments and given the need to intensify and improve the methods of teaching the Russian language for all specialties of RAU, the Russian Language Chair was separated from other specialties and in 2004 was made into a general chair serving the entire University.
With the opening of the Department of Philology in 2007, the Chair became part of the Department, but retained its function of serving the entire University. In 2008, the Chair was reorganized into the Chair of the Russian Language and Professional Communication. Currently, the Chair is a scientific and educational subdivision of the RAU Institute of Humanities. The current head of the department is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Karen Hakobyan.
The Chair has a permanent scientific and pedagogical relationship with the Moscow Lomonosov State University, the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and other universities of the Russian Federation. The Chair regularly conducts scientific and methodological seminars, acting as a leading organization in the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
The main goal and objectives of the Chair is the development of an effective educational methodology aimed, on the one hand, at introducing and improving the ways and methods of teaching the Russian language through the values ​​of Russian culture, and, on the other hand, comprehension of the Russian national culture through and by means of the Russian language.
Main scientific and methodical directions of the Chair:

  • relevant problems of the study of the Russian language and culture;
  • methods of teaching the Russian language (both as a native language and as foreign);
  • modern information technologies in teaching and research of the Russian language and culture;
  • comparative and typological study of languages;
  • linguistic pragmatics and communicative linguistics;
  • modern testology: techniques and procedures for objective measurement of the level of Russian language proficiency.


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