Department of Psychology

About department

The direction Psychology has a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and provides training for Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (code 37.03.01 – Psychology), training for Master’s Degree in Psychology (code 04.37.01), and it also received a license to launch postgraduate studies in General Psychology, Personality Psychology and History of Psychology (code 19.00.01). At Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Master's programs in Psychology are conducted under the following programs: Personality Psychology; Psychology of Management; Political Psychology (in 2011); Family Psychology and Family Counseling (in 2018), Military Psychology (in 2022). The first Master’s degree students graduated in the academic year 2010/11.

General information:
1. Chair of Psychology was opened in 2005.
2. Chair of Psychology falls under the Institute of Humanities.
3. Head of the Chair of Psychology Asya Berberyan is Professor, Doctor of Psychology.
4. Asya Berberyan was appointed to the position of head of the Chair of Psychology in 2005 (since its opening).
5. The office is in room N440 with an area of 15m2.

Educational activities:

  1. The total annual load of the department is 8708.1 hours.
  2. General professional and specialization disciplines in the undergraduate program include 39 training courses.
  3. The qualitative composition of the teaching staff (key staff) of the Chair of Psychology is as follows: in total, 26 lecturers work at the department, of which 6 are key staff, 7 are doctors of sciences, and 13 are candidates of sciences out of a total number of 25 (80% of the total number have a scientific degree).
  4. Teaching and support staff: 1 administrative employee;
  5. Main areas of training of specialists are Bachelor's and Master's Degrees;
  6. Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology;
  7. Master’s Degrees in Personality Psychology; Management Psychology; Political Psychology, Family Psychology and Family Counseling, Military Psychology.

